In the process of trying to sort a delimited character
string for a bash script I came across a situation where the setting of LANG at
the OS-level impacted the results. In my
situation I was working on a script for monitoring Oracle services by comparing
"srvctl configure" output with "srvctl status" output. Since services that cross multiple instances
may list those instances in various orders, I wanted to make sure the listing
was always sorted for a proper comparison.
While a simple stream of "echo | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr
'\n' ' ' | sed 's/,$/\n/' " works just fine, I found that when
testing the monitor script across all our servers I was getting different
results. Looking closer I found that the
difference was related to running the script locally vs. via SSH.
After a bit of debugging I came up with a simple example to
show the issue:
Create a file with 4 rows of numbers, with varying leading
% echo "1
4" >x.dat
Next, sort the file locally.
% sort x.dat
Last, sort the file
on the same server (I'm connect to lnx261) but pretend it's a remote operation
via ssh.
% ssh oracle@`hostname -s` 'sort x.dat'
For both sorts the same file was used and run on the same server.
What would there be a difference?
LANGUAGE! Your OS LANG setting affects sorts, just
like NLS* settings do in Oracle. Most session-level settings are not set
when you SSH. So either sourcing the appropriate profile (/etc/profile,
~/.bash_profile, etc.) or setting LC_ALL within your SSH session will give you
the expected results:
% ssh oracle@`hostname -s` 'export
LANG=en_US.UTF-8; sort x.dat'
Although I knew issues related to NLS_DATE_FORMAT not being
set I had never previously run into issues with LANG. Fortunately Enterprise Manager's agent (as
part of $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmo) runs through a full process creation so that your
various profile scripts get sourced when you execute EM Jobs or simply run
"Execute Host Command".